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কাঙালসংঘ Pdf Download by ওবায়েদ হক

বইঃ কাঙালসংঘ
লেখকঃ ওবায়েদ হক
প্রকাশকঃ বায়ান্ন (‘৫২)
প্রচ্ছদঃ লুৎফি রুনা (খুব ভাল লেগেছে প্রচ্ছদ)
পৃষ্ঠা সংখ্যাঃ ১০৯
মলাট মূল্যঃ ২৫২ টাকা

kangalsongho pdf download & Review:

Five destitute people have held a meeting in the broken house of the slum.

The middle man of that meeting is a jailed accused. He got out of jail after learning all the tricks of crime. The other four have no idea about his true identity. The name is not known. However, everyone has unanimously accepted him as a leader. Everyone calls him Guruji.

The rest are-

★ 2nd person is an old beggar, sasticharan pramanik. Once a driver for a district truck, he got into a begging job because of cataracts. Despite having the opportunity to fix two eyes, he fixed one eye so that his begging profession would not be a problem. The reason-

“One eye satisfies his appetite, the other satisfies his stomach …..
….. Life is prosperous with a foggy eye.
He has a house, he has an address, he has his own people at the address. There is income, there is comfort, he is not poor or destitute. ”

However, he is not inconsistent in this meeting! His life has changed so much today that he was forced to come here!